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Slides and resources for a talk on Javascript testing I gave at DNB.

On Github asmod3us / jstesting

Automated Testing for Javascript

by Achim Staebler @asmod3us


"It used to work in the last spring."

  • environments are complex
  • deliver deliver high-quality, tested coded
  • 100% coverage!



$ node -e 'console.log("hello world!");'
hello world!

grab the code from github

$ git clone https://github.com/asmod3us/jstesting

install dependencies with npm

$ npm install

Mobile Apps

Apple's UI Automation framework uses Javascript.

  • we have Javascript and native code, but
  • can run most of the app in a browser
  • we also have parts that depend on a native environment

How to run tests

Many test runners and frameworks available for NodeJS:

We chose mocha because of its flexibility and async support.

How to write unit tests

  • different styles: BDD, TDD, … use any you like!
  • ideally, you would write tests first and then start developing a feature!


Given [1, 2,3]

When a number is not present in the array

Then indexOf should return -1 for it

var should = require('should');
describe('Array', function(){
  describe('#indexOf()', function(){
    it('should return -1 when not present', function(){

$ mocha -R spec bdd.js 
          ✓ should return -1 when not present 

      1 test complete (6 ms)


var assert = require("assert");
describe('Array', function(){
  describe('#indexOf()', function(){
    it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function(){
      assert.equal(-1, [1,2,3].indexOf(4));

$ mocha -R spec tdd.js 

What to test

  • functionality:
    • is 91 really a prime?
    • does the user model really save my changes?
  • behaviour and user experience:
    • is the page title correct?
    • if a user swipes over a page, will the app navigate back?
    • if a user logs out, is the session cookie invalidated?

Where to test

  • unit tests running without DOM in node
  • acceptance tests running in a browser
  • acceptance tests running in a device simulator or on a real device

How to write acceptance tests

  • Selenium provides a webdriver api for writing tests
  • test implementation is independent of the runtime where it is actually executed.

WebDriver API

If you know selenium, this will look familiar. Look at the API docs. Example in Javascript:


How to run acceptance tests?

  • Selenium Grid (complex setup)
  • Saucelabs
  • your own browsers, locally


phantomjs, a headless webkit browser


  • run UI tests from the command line
  • faster, because it skips the rendering part
  • happens to implement webdriver protocol:

    phantomjs --webdriver=4444 &

How to run acceptance tests with mocha

Requires phantomjs running in the background to provide the webdriver, ie

$ npm run-script webdriver
$ mocha -R spec title.js
    ✓ should see the correct title

Proof you say?

How to create screenshots with webdriver

    var base64Data = data.replace(/^data:image\/png;base64,/,"")
    fs.writeFile("google.png", base64Data, 'base64', function(err) {
        if(err) {

$ mocha -R spec title.js

How to create screenshots with phantomjs

PhantomJS not only implements the WebDriver protocol, it also has its own API:

var page = require('webpage').create();
page.viewportSize = { width: 1024, height: 768 };
page.zoomFactor = 1;

page.open('http://github.com/', function() {

$ phantom pic.js

PhantomJS APIs vs WebDriver

  • if you stick to WebDriver APIs you can
    • easily switch your tests to run on a Selenium grid later
    • switch to run on multiple real browsers supported by Selenium drivers
  • if you don't need that PhantomJS has richer APIs

How to test mobile apps

For web-based, hybrid and native apps, there is a subset of the WebDriver protocol called the JSON Wire Protocol.

Appium from SauceLabs provides an implementation. Its awesomeness is best experienced in a demo!

appium demo

You will need a Mac with XCode for this! Appium needs to be running in the background:

$ appium &


$ npm run-script appium

Automate a native app:

$ node demo.js

Automate a hybrid app:

$ node hybrid.js


Connect with Achim Staebler on LinkedIn.

Follow him on Twitter.