JS Systems – – This is JavaScript Systems...

JS Systems – – This is JavaScript Systems...

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Introducing JavaScript Systems.

On Github JSRenaissance / PRESENTATION_JSSystems

JS Systems

AdaptivePatterns / @adaptivepattern

A little bit about me...
Cross-Stack Systems in AI, GIS, Financial, InfoSec, Web Video, and Music Electronics... Arduino.

This is JavaScript Systems...


a) we ask questions, find measurements, and make observations. b) and tell the story of JavaScript Systems.

Point I:

~ We all know a lot of different things about JavaScript.
How many have written ...
Node code?
MongoDB, CouchDB?
How about CoffeeScript, or raw vanilla JavaScript?
JS comes in different varieties...
How about...
WebGL, three.js?
FireFoxOS, Chrome OS, NodeOS, Tizen, ...?
Johnny-Five, Tessel, Espruino, ...?
InfoVis, D3, DC, Rickshaw, ...?
Prototype, jQuery, Khan Academy?

So do you see what I'm getting at here?

~ There is a diversity within the JavaScript community.

More than just client, server, native.

There is a specialization of talent.

How About...


Titanium, Sencha Touch, XDE, jQuery Mobile, ...?
Browserify, Bower, volo, ...?
Grunt, Gulp, ...?
AWS Elastic BeanStalk, ...?
Point I:
~ We all know a lot of different things about JavaScript.

But we haven't even mentioned...

Libraries, Frameworks, MVC's, and NPM packages yet.

JS is a vast diversity.
An expansive ecosystem that we can study in "System", and "SubSystem" terms.

Point II:~ It is accelerating.

The red line is NPM package contribution. From modulecounts.com


~ The vast amount of code that we churn into NPM and GitHub each day does not fall into a black hole.
Well, some of it does.
But what remains is extensible for decades if not eons...
JS evolves and it grows...

One projected rate.

Surely, NPM contribution cannot continue at this rate for the next 2 years... Can it?
Image by Mikeal at Future Aloof

~ As System architecture expands we are in uncharted territory.

But wasn't that the allure of the American frontier? ...to blaze your own trail?
Now with D3 we can visualize it...
Point III: Story of JSSystems.
~ JavaScript can be seen as a set of systems...
And now that we can visualize it...
~ We can tell the story of JavaScript Systems.
Queue imaginary StarWars music...
It didn't start with Web 2.0, but that was when we started counting it...
Asynchonous data allowed new client-side architecture, and various ecosystem to expand across the user interface. Into a vast "Cambrian Explosion" of libraries and frameworks...
Advanced in the Browser Wars, facing stiff resistance in the Native Wars, and under continued attack by the Zombie Apocalypse ...
Even as the cambrian explosion would likely subside, and cross-compilation advance, an unlikely hero emerges, in a migration of systems, and with the Web as the Platform, restoring hope and freedom to the galaxy...
End imaginary StarWars music.

Ok, that was geeky.

jQuery as Obi Wan, JSON as R2D2, ExtJS as C3PO, CoffeeScript as Han Solo, NPM as Princess Lea, and NodeJS as Luke Skywalker...

Story of JS Transmigration:
Short example of one JS System.
But this saga is more like the wagon trail, expansion west.
As JavaScript moved from: client, to server, DB, OS, Native, and Microprocessors. We discovered uncharted territory.
Like, the trail-blazing pioneers of old... we have to figure it out.
This is the Great Systems Transmigration:
Simple FullStack JavaScript (FSJS):
Extended FSJS:
Extended: IoT, JSOS, and Native Cross-Compilers.
Code Example:
Interact with the responsive App at: <>js systems<>
(in alpha) please contribute...
~ Support JavaScript Computer Science!

Thank you DenverJS!
